IBM Safer Payments

World’s Leading Payment Fraud Prevention

Safer Payments is IBM’s world leading payment fraud prevention solution. It protects all payment channels of the largest retail banks. It protects entire Nation’s payment switches and processors.

  • Open platform for AI and machine learning, substantial fraud loss reduction with extremely low false positives.

  • Supports model lifetime management, real-time processing, and alert investigation.

  • Enterprise fraud prevention supporting all payment instruments and channels.

Our primary differentiator is our business impact. Every time we replace an incumbent system, we substantially reduce monetary fraud losses, and at the same time, cut false alerts to a fraction of what they were. There are multiple reasons behind our consistently better results:

  • Our behavioural feature engine enables us to create precise profiles of criminal versus genuine customer behaviour. The key is that our technology allows us to create features that are computed in real-time, where individual data fields of the current transactions are compared to many hundred past transactions in real-time.

  • We support “ensemble modelling”, where any standard AI and ML technology can be used to create scoring models, and then combined to a decision on the transaction in real-time. We also offer our own AI-based decision rule creation to automate the creation of optimal scoring decisions.

  • Our built-in simulation capabilities constantly monitor operations and will alert the business to fading performance of features, models, or rules. In addition to alerting, simulation’s AI capabilities also propose modifications and additions to these components that can be implemented on a click.

To find out more about how we achieve our results, please visit our video section.