IBM Safer Payments

Protects all Cashless Payments from Fraud

What is IBM Safer Payments?

IBM Safer Payments enables fraud prevention teams to adapt their controls faster to emerging threats and detect fraud with greater speed and accuracy without vendor or data scientist dependencies. 

It comprises the analytics and simulation tools needed to continuously monitor business performance and adapt the decision model to emerging and modified fraud patterns.

Product highlights

Next generation approach. Enables you to use any data science, any machine learning, and artificial intelligence technique – from any vendor or open source – to outsmart fraudsters.

All channel solution. Includes specific functionality to protect cards, online banking, and real-time payments. Profiles behavior and payment flow through all channels for lower false positives and reduced fraud losses.

Freely configurable. Everything in IBM Safer Payments is user-configurable. Full adaptation to customer data model. New data feeds can be configured in minutes.

Bring your own model. Build neural networks, random forests, decision trees, and regressions, using your preferred tools. Combine models of different types into ensembles, to leverage the best of each modelling technology.

In-memory NoSQL database. Purpose-built dual-access database technology delivers peak performances of multiple thousand transactions per second on commodity hardware and any cloud.


Delivers high performance results. Clients report high detection at ultra-low false-positive rate after deploying our solution.

Bring agility to fraud management. Build, test, validate and deploy machine-learning models in days vs. months without reliance on vendors.

Proven in production. Monitor thousands of payments per second. Enterprise-grade solution delivers 99.999% availability and high throughput.

Open source data science. With an open platform, import detection models, model components and IP while using rich interface to build new models.

Triple redundancy. Deployable as a 3-instance cluster. Each can run full production volume even during fails.

Full configurability. Payment instruments, data streams model data dictionary, and actual detection models are all configurable via web.

Horizontal and vertical scalability. With clustered architecture and parallel programming, multi-core commodity servers are utilized most efficiently.

How it’s used

Real-time payments fraud prevention. Criminals structure payments and 'smurf' them through mule accounts to disguise the flow of money. IBM Safer Payments profiles each payment originator and beneficiary as both sender and recipient of payments in the past.

‘Model factory’ concept. To enable the combination of the best data science techniques, the "model factory" concept was created. It allows IBM Safer Payments users to pick the combination of techniques best suited to solve their fraud problem.

Online and mobile banking. IBM Safer Payments uses data from actual online and mobile banking sessions. Built-in device ID capability, with device behavior profiling and a device reputation database and biometric parameter recognition hardens this channel.

Utilize open source data science. IBM Safer Payments is the 'most open' data science platform for payment fraud prevention currently available in the market. Export and import models in portable PMML format and ingest models or feature extractions as Python code.

Multi-tenancy and multi-channel. IBM Safer Payments provides hierarchical multi-tenancy. It efficiently manages hundreds of tenants, each customized. Inheritance allows maintenance of "central" models and configurations.

Major Technical Features

Built for 24/7 operation and 99.999% availability

IBM Safer Payments is implemented as a cluster of three instances. Each instance is independently able to run the full production volume and together they automatically replicate all data. This "triple redundancy" ensures that operations continue even if an instance, a server, or an entire data center fails. It also allows for software and hardware maintenance without any disruption of production.

Full configurability

All aspects of IBM Safer Payments are fully configurable from its web user interface. This includes payment instruments, data streams, the model data dictionary, and the actual detection models. This enables ultra-short implementation times (3 to 6 months typical), since IBM Safer Payments is configured according to the existing environment and not the other way around.

Horizontal and vertical scalability

Using a clustered architecture and parallel programming techniques, multi-core commodity servers are utilized most efficiently. Even low end Intel Xeon-cores deliver 1000+ transactions per second. Our customers operate up to 12,000 transactions per second sustained peak volume with IBM Safer Payments (financial and non-financial transactions).

Fully accessible API and microservices

Used as microservice, all of IBM Safer Payments functions are accessible from the outside via https enabling any other system or programming environment to access and customize any of the Safer Payments functions. This allows your data scientists to bring their preferred machine learning modeling and runtime frameworks, including open source, to IBM Safer Payments.

What customers are saying

With IBM Safer Payments, we are reducing card fraud in France by more than $115 million per year.

— Rodolphe Meyer, CIO, STET


The three main benefits we see using IBM safer Payments: a 20% lower false-positive rate, the ability to make rule changes up to 90% faster than on traditional platforms, and the ability to manage all payment channels in one system.

— Dave Hemingway, Group executive, Product and Marketing, Indue

Up against this [P2P] challenge - along with the pressing needs for real-time decisioning and increased flexibility for our team, we’ve found IBM Safer Payments has exceeded our expectations.

— Norman Marraccini, General Manager Business Line Executive Retail Digital Payments, ACH and Real Time Payments, FIS


As our markets become more competitive, having a platform such as IBM Safer Payments is crucial to react quickly to meet the new challenges.

— Steen Henriksen, Chief Risk Officer, Borgun

Featured Resources

Solution Brief

IBM Safer Payments: it is time for a better approach.
Read the solution brief


Payments Canada Keynote

IBM Safer Payments CTO, Constantin von Altrock, kicked off the 2019 Payments Canada Summit.
Watch the video


Forrester TEI Report

Read Forrester’s Total Economic Impact report and infographic.
Read full report

Technical Whitepaper

Learn about IBM Safer Payments architecture and underlying technology.
Read the technical whitepaper


IBM Think 2021 Session

IBM Safer Payments CTO, Constantin von Altrock, talks to BNZ’s Owen Loeffellechner at IBM Think 2021.
Watch the video


FIS Infographic

Check out FIS’ IBM Safer Payments’ infographic.
View infographic

Business Whitepaper

Preventing fraud across all payment channels.
Read the business whitepaper


AsiaRisk Awards 2020

IBM Safer Payments named Fraud Detection and Prevention Product of the year.
Read the announcement


Indue Case Study

Read how Indue cut card fraud losses by 50% in the first month alone.
Read the article

Intro Webinar

Quick introduction from IBM Safer Payments CTO, Constantin von Altrock.
Watch the video Awards 2019

IBM Safer Payments named ‘Financial Crime Product of the Year’ and ‘Best Vendor for Innovation’.
Read the announcement


BNZ Webinar

Watch Bank of New Zealand’s experience with IBM Safer Payments.
Watch the video