
Protecting France

Omnichannel and Nationwide

The French National payment switch uses Safer Payments to protect 18.8 billion annual payments of all channels and types from fraud.

The system results in more than $100 million annually being saved, while experiencing false positives as low as 1:1.

Includes card issuing/acquiring, SEPA, instant payments, 3DS20 step up, inter-banking, and wallets.

Protecting Zelle

U.S. Mobile Payments

U.S. processor FIS replacing an incumbent product with Safer Payments.

In just 3 months they reduced mobile payment Zelle fraud by 75%.

At the same time, they reduced false alerts by 90%.

Protecting Retail Banks

Omnichannel and All-Channel

Bank of New Zealand replaced their incumbent fraud prevention system with Safer Payments.

They reduced fraud losses by 60%.

At the same time, they reduced false positives from 1:5 to 1:1.15, while the market average is at 1:12.

Protecting Payment Processors

Best-in-Class Artificial Intelligence

Pan-European payment processor SIBS combines Safer Payments ML/AI with its feature extraction and rule writing.

Compared to their previous rule-based solution, they reduced fraud by 70%.

In the video below, SIBS explains in detail how such results are only possible combining behavioural feature extraction, ensemble models, and decision rules of Safer Payments.

Protecting Real-Time Payments

Open Banking and Peer-to-Peer Payments

Australia’s national payment switch INDUE uses Safer Payments to protect the new “NPP” real-time payment system.

They also experience a 10x faster reaction time to emerging fraud patterns.